Monday, August 01, 2005


Democracy has been Hijacked
The key today is how does society address environmental concerns without stalling the almighty economy. With big business only concerned with profitability and a negligable but legislated interest in the state of the environment investors might be in for a ride. Good I'm glad...fuck em. To quote a recent writer of popular music "the things that pass for knowledge I can't understand." That said, joyful participation in the sorrows of the world appears the only way it could be. The twenty first century promises to be an interesting time with numerous regions facing very different weather conditions. If the global condition is not changing....which many sources would have you believe...then why the erratic conditions? Why are the poles melting? Natural process my ass...we've only been monitorting these things for a fraction of a second in earths natural history. Yet we're bold enough to claim we know whats going on. Its really strange what gets written out of history the fact that the American constitution is strongly influenced by Iroquoin Indian methods of promoting social cohesion. I just don't want to see everything go to the dogs while the elite deny any problem exists. It's like a French revolution all over again. And what was the kings diary entry on the fateful day the Bastille was stormed....."more of the same." I like to believe he who controls the press controls popular truth. My fear is that in the name of the economy leaders will fail to inform the public until the environment is too far gone. Desertification, crop failure, water shortages, are real possibilities for a people living in the delusion of materialistic excess. What were the Roman emperors doing when it's society collapsed? Blindly encouraging fuck nothing has changed. Or what of the Greeks? They were battling other city states the midst of wars....hmmmmm. Too many appear awake who are actually sleeping. Too many assume to be knowledgeable because they have education (myself included) yet reality states we all cling to social constructions and believe them to be real. It's a good day to die. Welcome to the machine....plutocracy, n. 1. government by the wealthy 2. a government or state in which the wealthy rule 3.a group of wealthy people who control or influence a government 4.a controlling class of rich men - plutocrat.


Anonymous said...

Democracy has not been hijacked! Democracy is a farce! The very grounds to which the States wage war and Canada defends are no more just than the tyranny and injustice that comes to the people in the form of self-appointed leaders. Plus, do you truly believe that we have elected the officials who precide over us. If that is the case, we need to stand and make them hear us! They are our employees not our dictators. How is it that gov't can steal millions, create huge deficits debating if it's "proper" for gay people to marry. If you really want the truth, just look to an institution that has bread more trust from the general public than any politician could hope. It speaks more truth than a nun being tortured! The Simpsons. They have touched on every topic that could possibly create a ripple and lampooned it, simultaneously opening the eyes of ignorance for many. You talk of the rich governing the poor, persuading gov't through contributions and promises of grandeur...look at Vancouver for the perfect case scenario.

A company called Encorp Pacific, which is a stewardship company dedicated to getting all recyclable beverage containers out of the landfills and garbages can not get a license to open a store front in the downtown district. They fear it will bring more binners, more people that society deems unfit to be among the masses. The rich profit mongers, who are afraid of getting rain on their 250,000 Bentley that gets 1 mile per gallon are the ones fighting to keep it out. But what are they keeping out? not the binners and trash divers. They are trying to keep out reality. These people are already existant on our streets and can be seen daily - The rich are trying to keep out the truth. That the happy little soulless bubble filled with excessive drinking, drugs, spending and hoarding is filled with things they don't want or choose to ignore.

Talk to you later Mr. Dennis!

Peace out in the hood yo,


357martini said...

Thank you fellow cynic....good to see I'm not the only one who sees the shit house roof is on fire while we the shitters are inside feigning business as usual.....