Saturday, April 02, 2005

Secundum Artem

Why do people blog about porn or suicide or death or nothingness? Fuck people are stupid! In my world there would be more to 'blogging' than two year college grads babbling bullshit 24/7 in my "next blog" result. What really seems funny is the stupid blogger once confronted with his stupidity attempting to sound meaningful.

Meaning is missing in the world...(this) does not imply that the world is void of meaning, but only that many a science is blind to it. V.Frankl

Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right. A.DiFranco

Alternative ideas, values, rules and actions ...(are) threats to what we feel loyalty to. J.M Charon

"How should one act?"-- Morality has always been a misunderstanding: in reality, a species fated to act in this or that fashion wanted to justify itself, by dictating its norm as the universal norm--Nietzsche

When you have total control over the media and the educational system ... scholarship is conformist. N.Chomsky

Confront the familiar. Society is a fraud. So complete and venal that it demands to be destroyed beyond the power of memory to recall it's existence. Waking Life

What is essential to life is only to forgo complacency. Kafka

Down through the centuries the notion that life is wrapped in a dream has been a pervasive theme of philosophers and poets, so doesn't it make sense that death too would be wrapped in dream? again from WAKING LIFE

There always comes a time when one must choose between contemplation and action. A.Camus

The advanced technologies do not provoke a "displacement," such as to dissipate a pre-existing "familiarity"; rather, they reduce to a professional profile the experience of the most radical kind of displacement itself. Nihilism, once hidden in the shadow of technical-productive power, becomes a fundamental ingredient of that power, a quality highly prized by the marketplace of labor. P.Virno

Questioning anothers motives violates one of the most respected taboos....E.Fromm

I've got no patience now. So sick of complacence now. I've got no patience now. So sick of complacence now. Sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of you. Time has come to pay...Know your enemy!Come on!Yes I know my enemies. They're the teachers who taught me to fight me. Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission. Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are American dreams ........RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE

Refuse to be dumbed down, bought out, mind numbed.........

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