Thursday, April 21, 2005


"And at this stage in human civilization, the choices reach as far as literal survival."
Noam Chomsky Oct 2004. See entire text @ www.chomsky.infoThe "War on Terrorism" and the New Rules of World Order.

Apocalypse Now
by Edward Said, in Arabic in Al-Hayat, London, and in English in Al Ahram Weekly, Cairo
It would be a mistake, I think, to reduce what is happening between Iraq and the United States simply to an assertion of Arab will and sovereignty on the one hand versus American imperialism, which undoubtedly plays a central role in all this. However misguided, Saddam Hussein's cleverness is not that he is splitting America from its allies (which he has not really succeeded in doing for any practical purpose) but that he is exploiting the astonishing clumsiness and failures of US foreign policy.Find complete at

1 comment:

sidcruise said...

Well US foreign policy is as clumsy one can get ...but not to forget the freer Iraq was necessary but the execution of it was seriously skewed leading to so many unnecessary deaths ....

World is divided but i dont think for long :)..unless US foolishly comes out with cleaning of so called Axis of evil....