Thursday, March 10, 2005

Just another writing exercise

Society of the Axe

Interviewer: So what might be moved in a single night?

Interviewee: What ever, fifty pounds here and there...more ...depends.

Interviewer: So now your only moving weed?

Interviewee: Pretty much.

Interviewer: So how often do you move it.

Interviewee: Depends on who comes lookin but pretty much when I can.

Interviewer: Did you ever smuggle people?

Interviewee: uh.....yup... only a couple times.

Interviewer: How do you move people accross the border?

Interviewee: It changes from year to year. A couple of years ago there seemed to be more Asians going to New York than you could its quiet, ....for that.

Interviewer: So year to year, month to month, the smuggling business changes.

Interviewee: Yup.

Interviewer: What were you doing five years ago?

Interviewee: Same as now....(laughing) different delivery... different...dope (lights cigar leaf blunt )

Interviewer: So how did you say you moved weed?

Interviewee:(moving joint to lips) like this.... (laughing) ya... moving just green ...mostly just through the summer... you today...outside the sun....on boats...(pauses)...look! (points to horizon) where else can you sit out at a bar on the river and wait. Fuck its the bomb...serious....but I've had a lot of fucking jobs lately.

Interviewer: Is it difficult to sell so much weed?

Interviewee: Fuck no ...we dont even have to ... people come to me! (coughing) Connections it's all about who you know. You call it created the long as somebody wants it here and somebody else has it over there... the way I look at it's trade...well not exactly free but...

Interviewer: Approximatly, how much would you say you could make in a month?

Interviewee: As much as you want!

Interviewer: Could you give me an example?

Interviewee: Well...uh...say I dont know. Lets say I meet some guy state-side whose looking for whatever. The loopholes are everywhere.

Interviewer: What would you move for this customer?

Interviewee: What ever, I've moved nice fuckin rugs...ya know, India style. Last week dude! Fuck you should...well next time your by my place I'll show ya... dude you'll place looks like the fuckin garaj mahal now...

Interviewer: You mean Taj Mahal

Interviewee: Whatever....( pause ) what was I sayin?

Interviewer: You were talking about things you smuggled.

Interviewee: Uh, ya smokes, booze, drugs, perscription drugs, fuckin name it.
Fuck I remeber back in high school we'd take the bus over the bridge and sell the shit when we got to school.

Interviewer: So as far back as high school you've been busy?

Interviewee: Pretty much.

Interviewer: Does it bother you that different drugs are an epidemic in schools today?

Interviewee: I don't know where it goes, when it goes, I just keep moving it... transport for... like between two - three g's a trip. Cost depends on whats moved.

Interviewer: So theres a lot of cash changing hands?

Interviewee: Thats why we need the boats, the guns. Don't kid yourself if I wasn't packin I'd get robbed a dozen times a week...and I'd never be where I am and demand with a gatt ...thats all it is. Pure and simple.

Interviewer: Are you ever concerned you'll be shot and injured or killed.

Interviewee: We're middle men...both sides need us...nobody comes lookin to shoot us....if you burn someone then there's reason. You might get shot that way.

Interviewer: Do you deal with anyone else ( name withheld )?

Interviewee: That goat fucker! What a cracker ass fuck , he's fucked. You know him? I don't want anything to do with this if he's in this....shit. Fuckin crack head that guy know that? I'm fuckin serious...him I'll shoot.

Interviewer: Do smugglers often work alone?

Interviewee: No...uh...I shouldn't say too much...but , no's a know making sure routes are clear, no one is around, makin sure border guards are paid off. It's not real complicated either, so...

Interviewer: So with (name withheld) why don't you two ...

Interviewee: (interupting) because he's weak. When I do somethin I wanna do it right. I don't set out in the mornin to loose money. That fuckin clown, it's like he doesn't care. He's got his white girlfriends, his fat ride, he's done soon. He's movin white with the bikers...I personally hope he fucks up and gets wacked.

Interviewer: Why'd ya say that?

Interviewee: Put it this way. I deal with green because I make money at it and it doesn't leave me a fuckin zombie at the end of the day, guys who move different shit have different issues. People? Where the fuck ya puttin them? Twelve people take up alot more room than 50 pounds. Plus you'd make alot less money.

Interviewer: Tell me more about New York?

Interviewee: Fuggetaboutit.

Interviewer: Boston?

Interviewee: Nope!

Interviewer: How about your vacation in Mexico?

Interviewee: Good times.

Interviewer: Cuba?

Interviewee: Great fucking cigars.

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