Saturday, November 26, 2005

Post 9/11 Jihad Blues

This crap hits me like a punch in the mouth. Seeing the beheadings yourself really places a face upon the evil that threatens the 21st century.

Are these beheading jihadists the post-modern Charlie Manson or are they a legitimate disenfranchised voice. Either way if they're willing to produce these snuff shorts for purely terroristic and propogandist purposes they've become their own worst enemy.

Chapter 109:1 of the Koran states "...I do not serve what you worship nor do you serve what I have your own religion , and I have mine." Sooooooo, what part of getting along don't you understand? I swear these jihadists were the glue eating sort when they attended school. Unfortunatly using religion to prove anything is a bit like bailing out a sinking boat with a sieve. My point is these jackoffs are playing the roll of some God and believe they're delivering justice. One has to really feel bad for the families of the victims ... on both sides.

Continuing violence of any sort seems short sighted and we all seem to justify it with a bit of selective abstraction or emotional reasonimg ... unfortunatly. I once read that extreme justice is extreme injustice but to cease with the war against global jihadists is to fail to rise to a real threat remembering that the price of democeracy is eternal vigilance. And if you don't think that jihadists are real speak to a few of the fucking wack jobs who call themselves holy men and parade about mosques in North America today.

Today for radical muslims there is no ahl al-dhimma. How do we deal with crazy people who would have you killed for some pie in the sky fundamentalism? Tolerance? Liberalism seems to court self destruction when it peddles multiculturalism but delivers only fear and loathing.

Call me a madman with a Barrett 50 cal but this turn the other cheek bullshit is exactly what British P.M. Nevill Chamberlin delivered at Munich when he declared peace with Adolph Hitler on September 29, 1938. History shows dealing with sociopaths requires a Machiovellian fist....let them run...they'll only die tired.

Look at any jihadist as writing the new Mein Kampf. What America has done is saunter into the heart of darkness like John Wayne. Stupidity of utter bravery? I'm hoping it's the latter.

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