Century of the Self (all four parts) - simply amazing look at the world we live in
Jesus Camp - warping of children's minds
Dangerous Knowledge - down side of any systemic "ism"
Zeitgeist - wild take on religion, 9/11, and banking
The Bridge - the sad frightening truth about post modern life
Secrets of CIA.avi - absolutely amazing
All available on GOOGLE video,
If it were not for documentary writers what hope would film media have? Films that appeal to me today.....Jackass 2.5 .... pretty sad eh?
Writing Exercise - using a Burroughs Cut Up Machine
Entertained to death we slip into novel video more than seeking meaning. Where truth falls away in the light of subjectivity as the solidity of meaning melts under the flickering blue of back lit tubes. We are sold numbered passes to be the masters of our destiny, but told not to step outside the lines. Marketed meaning, celebrity red carpeted million dollar bullshit, as we roll in the trough happy to have found the warmth of home. Stars piss away possibly more in an evening than I'll make in a year, but so what? What's it mean? Nothing, nadda, zero, zilch.
Cut Once - and slightly edited
More than seeking meaning. Where truth fails the solidity of meaning melts under the flickering blue light. Are numbered passes to be the masters of our lines. Marketed meaning, celebrity red carpeted million dollar zeros have found the warmth of home. Entertained to death we slip away into novel video in the light of subjectivity and lies via back lit tubes. We are sold destiny, but told not to step outside the bullshit. As we roll in the trough happy Stars piss away possibly more in an evening than what? What's it mean? Nothing, nadda, zero, zilch.
So I added another piece I'd written, cut and rubbed out most, to come up with this phrase....Earth, where stars express the solidity of our truth.
Other phrases I've created with the cut up machine
A timeless lying golden grammar.
A triumphant range of expectations spoken in waste.
To step outside the bullshit we roll once more in an evening of chaos?
Erasing cardboard boxed memories forgotten in attics.
Dreams yield to tomorrows unborn grief.
Values are parasitic to desire.
Burroughs Interview
Cut Once - and slightly edited
More than seeking meaning. Where truth fails the solidity of meaning melts under the flickering blue light. Are numbered passes to be the masters of our lines. Marketed meaning, celebrity red carpeted million dollar zeros have found the warmth of home. Entertained to death we slip away into novel video in the light of subjectivity and lies via back lit tubes. We are sold destiny, but told not to step outside the bullshit. As we roll in the trough happy Stars piss away possibly more in an evening than what? What's it mean? Nothing, nadda, zero, zilch.
So I added another piece I'd written, cut and rubbed out most, to come up with this phrase....Earth, where stars express the solidity of our truth.
Other phrases I've created with the cut up machine
A timeless lying golden grammar.
A triumphant range of expectations spoken in waste.
To step outside the bullshit we roll once more in an evening of chaos?
Erasing cardboard boxed memories forgotten in attics.
Dreams yield to tomorrows unborn grief.
Values are parasitic to desire.
Burroughs Interview