Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Monday, May 30, 2005


Remember when Grandma warned ya...playing with that thing'll make ya go blind....well Pfizer didn't seem to mind the hairy palms...but the profits that providing the elderly with erections is just astronomical (say stiff investors)....now what? Now we've got blind alzheimer's patients running around with erections...this is a law suit in the making. I don't think I'll visit Grandpa this week.

To all those who would blog about porn til they went blind on perscription drugs......
please get a life or prove your a brave lot ... and commit mass suicide

Oliver Stone: found drunk and smoking weed through an actual shotgun was overheard mumbling to himself..."Lemmyat another Tarantino script...I need ya Quentin, I gotta have ya." Lifting the shotgun to his mouth for yet another toke of what might have been crack he exclaimed "Say hello to my little friend," and threw up on himself.

Karla Homolka, everybody's favorite murderess, is soon to be out of jail. Wow, for someone who killed and sexually abused her own dying sister she's really cleaned up! Thank God for lawyers and their infinite...if bureaucratic, wisdom.

Apparently the new Pope is going to heal some Christian rifts...he'll be applying Band-Aids to rectums.

Now that Martha Stewart is out of jail she's coming out with a few new products for the ex-con in us all. New this season...shanked turkey roast, it comes complete with a razor blade melted into a toothbrush handle to carve those extra thin sandwich slices. Hoosegaw gin 'n juice, just like Cell Block 1 makes it....with extra crack. And last but not least...crack on a stick...you just lick the crack....apparently Mrs. Stewart did alot of that while she was in the can...apparently she misses it.

Vice President Dick Cheney today said he was offended by Amnesty International's condemnation of the United States...Cheney then responded with air strikes on Amnesty's offices and deported all survivors to Guantanamo Bay.

Paris Hilton got off her knees today, wiped her chin and then...she was overheard saying "walking really sucks"...she fell back down to her knees and finished her visit by riding daddy's coattails back to the west coast...where apparently she'll be starring in another low light special....Martha does Paris.

And if that's not strange enough....check out the dude who summoned up a UFO on air

Monday, May 23, 2005


Q: We want to talk about the two dominant power structures of the modern era: the national state and the transnational corporations.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Reason To Bother

I found this years ago in a popular newspaper. I've carried it in my wallet for years now....seriously.

Lucien Saumur asks, "Why should anyone be bothered to act ethically?" He seems to regard the moral order as something plastered on top of human reality rather than one of its essential aspects, and this is symptomatic of the general loss of meaning characteristic of our times. If meaning is percieved relationship, the missing connections are those between knowledge, morality and freedom.
Truth is itself a moral value. Knowledge which derives from love of truth is social in character and depends on trust, which is, in turn, a function of moral integrity. The historian, for example, depends on a synthesis of findings in many other disciplines and necessarily relies on the honesty of the scholors concerned.
The Greeks had a saying that freedom is a function of "obedience to the unenforceable." They meant that to the degree that we practice self-discipline (i.e. act ethically), external compulsion will not be required, and vice versa. On the positive side, they regarded freedom as derivative from the pursuit of justice, which is in turn dependent on the integrity of the judgement and a belief in the value of other human beings.
The will to defend this integity was, for the Stoics, the hallmark of the human: to abandon it was to become a living corpse. It was also to undermine freedom, which ultimately derives from what is naturally free: the moral judgement. Our contemporary freedom owes much to these principals.
Ultimately, it seems that the urge to live and grow - a centeral dynamic in every healthy organism - is foundational. The person who prefers life to death, truth to lies and freedom to tyranny - and understands what is involved - will feel an obligation to act ethically.
John R. MacCormack, Director Institute of Human Values
Saint Mary's University

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Saudi Arabia

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Sunday, May 08, 2005


Reading the cover story in the May edition of The New Yorker entitled "How Hot Can It Get?" it struck me....we're all brainwashed. Nobody wants to believe the world's atomasphere has been affected by ....what I've chosen to call materialism. The fact that numerous first class scientists are coming out with study after study expressing the subtle early warning signs of a biosphere in transition and yet....the majority of the North American public A) Don't care B) Don't know C) Don't believe the science or D) Stay drunk enough to repress the truth.

We're truly what J.Ralston Saul calls the Unconscious Civilization. Although I believe he used the term more narrowly I am applying it to North America....hell even Europe....they too have numerous environmental issues...though North Americans seem to be slower to react to the crisis than anybody. With an oil company executive as the vice prez in the US, could things possibly become any more earth friendly? The world as we know it is drunk on oil....rather than developing alternative energies we've placed all our energy needs in the hands of two oil junkies....Dubya and Haliburton.

The article however is much less biased...it shows how super computer driven models have developed interesting results in climate study such as desertification and increased global temperatures....sound familiar? Don't worry sleepy head this won't happen in your lifetime.....however because the results of the gradual vs rapid evolution are inconclusive....I being the Murphy's Law advocate am saying without a doubt, we could be on the verge......

Give it another twenty years when China has fully industrialized and it's booming population become the materialists were are today ..... then my friend .....we'll see....please write me...then and now....apparently 500 of you have been through this writing experement in the past 3.5 months yet only a handful of you have chosen to respond :(

A short quote from the article reads..."What the record shows is that the planet is now nearly as warm as it has been at any point in the last four hundred and twenty thousand years. A possible concequence of a four- or five-degree temperature rise - on the low end of the projections for doubled CO2 - is that the world will enter a completely new climate regime, one which modern humans have no prior experience."

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Black Sabbath by Henry Rollins

Black Sabbath

by Henry Rollins

So much litter out of place
It's time to put it in its place
A mind is a terrible thing
A dream is flashing like a polished weapon in my mind
To the summer ambulance
Siren songs
The two girls
Fighting outside the club
Broken glass under the crime lights
Fuck these streets
And the bastards who put them here
All these experements
Like how much blood it will take to drown you
And while I know
That I am a hero in the making
A walking legend
Superstar status is my domain
If I had a car big enough
I would drive all of you right off the edge
But there is not the time to play games
I walk the streets looking at you
Listening to you living your garbage cowboy coward fantasy
This place is going to look alot different
After I get done decorating
Too bad you wont be here to see it
I am an angel
I am a sloider
I am on a mission
No one knows but me
The streets talk to me
The sidewalk looks up at me and makes faces
It mocks me
When I breath in the stench fills me
Tries to consume me
Tries to destroy me
It will not destroy me
I am here to clear the air
Look at this place
Look at the filth
Look at the decadence
It forces you to pick a side
Either you destroy it or you become it
Every moment of the day it stares you in the face
Taunting you
Destroying you
And you let it
You're it
You're shit
It's too late for spiritual awakening
Fuck that hippie shit
It's too late for social change
You can't educate a flock of sheep
Can't you see that's what they want
They want you to turn away
They want you to lie down
Like a lamb for the slaughter
Like a chump for the sellout
There will be no revolution
There will be no uprising
There will be no race war
How could anyone be that stupid?
How could anyone believe that bullshit?
What a joke
I know a lot about jokes
I see them all the time
I spent years with some living jokes
You should see them now
Living death
Men of action turned into weak pieces of shit
They could get my repect again
If they shot themselves in the head
At night I walk the streets
I take mental notes
I take inventory
The filth
The garbage
The stench
My mission becomes clear to me
My life focuses into a laser beam
My purpose
My life
My vision is pure napalm
I am here to clean
There is only one way to clean
You have ot incinerate
You must cleanse with fire
You must turn disease with ash
Or it still lives
Things have gone too far
The strong are destroyed by the weak
Decadence has set a precedent
It has become a way of life
Not the way of my life
Shit is shit
I am here to burn it
Can't you see?
I am beyond your timid lying morality
I don't believe in equality
That is to say
That I don't think that if you're alive
That's all you need to get by
The man who sells drugs
Is not equal to me
The man who rapes his son is not equal to me
They cannot hide
Guilt trips will not shield them from me
I don't believe in human rights
I think you have grown fat and evil
Hiding behind your your human rights
Reveling in filth
The balance must be brought back
When I walk the streets in my neighbourhood
Drunks come staggering from bars
Guns go off
Police helicopters fly above
Yet nothing happens
Some show
Lets cut the drama
Get rid of the display
The ritual is nowhere
It's hollow
The nights are made of tin
Bitter death
I will show you my world
I will bring it home
My beauty
The summer nights of fire and truth
Can you see it?
A dark hot night
The whine of engines from above
The tree line explodes in fire orange
The air fills with the smell of gasoline
The air strike
Like a flower erupting in rapid birth
Filth turned to ash
So beautiful
Decadence lies bleeding
As I walk and plan
I hear angels singing
Black Sabbath songs
The soles of my shoes are thick
Keeps the blood and urine at a distance
The mind I occupy is iron
My time is now
I see them
Maybe it is you who I see
Singing the song of the looser
Your endless, diseased song
The end is coming
And I am the one who is bringing it
I am the punch line
I will defoliate before it's too late
You spend millions on rehabilitation
How big does a lie have to get before even you can no longer avoid it?
You shit in you bed
You wait for someone to come
And clean it up
Well here I am
Ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.
Waking Life

The demons have been turned loose and go about, grotesquely pretending to be honourable 20th-century men who do not believe in evil spirits.
Vaclav Havel

Decietfulness, perverse sexual behaviour, stealing, and increasing destructiveness are typical features of...breakdown of the personality."
Martin Israel

Three Poisons: Craving - Hatred - Ignorance

The world is not a vacuume. Either we make it an alter for God or it is invaded by demons.
Abraham Joshua Heschel

....every failure to cope with a life situation must be laid, in the end, to a restriction of consciousness.
Joseph Campbell

Man is asleep, must he die before he wakes?

Three things in life are destructive: anger, greed and pride.

The path to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.
Carl Jung

Monday, May 02, 2005

So nice I hadda link it twice.................B.Y.O.B.

Characteristic reflex of a technocrat. Since actions are the result of solutions arrived at by experts there can be no error. Error is replaced by a linear succession of right answers. This requires the systematic denial of error when each preceeding answer fails to do its job in spite of being right.
J.Ralston Saul -The Doubter's Companion